After news reports emerged about BJP’s Mussoorie MLA Ganesh Joshi breaking a horse’s leg during a protest march in Dehradun on Monday, the MLA’s daughter, Neha Joshi wrote an emotionally charged post titled ‘A daughter’s rant’ on Facebook, defending her father.
In her post, she extols the virtues of her father, giving a detailed account of how he has gone out of his way to help others and that how he is just not the kind of person who would abuse an animal in the barbaric manner that it was.
Here are some of the excerpts from her post:
- Monday was a tough day for us as a family.
- Yes he is holding a stick and beating it in the air. But not once will you see the stick hitting the poor animal.
- My father is a man who chose to apologize on behalf of the party he represents, for the unfortunate turn of events at the rally. He did not shirk this responsibility.
- But the kind of man he is and what he represents, he is certainly not ok with being called an animal abuser. I am certainly not ok with him being called an animal abuser.
- There is not a shred of truth is what is being propagated and I firmly believe that instead of jumping to conclusions based on a photograph people will watch the original footage now available and decide for themselves.
Senior Superintendent of Police (SSP) Sadanand Date told The Times Of India that Shaktiman, the horse has suffered multiple fractures on its left hind leg and unfortunately, it has to be amputated.
Shaktimaan, the 13-year-old horse, was part of mounted police deployed to control the protest march called by the BJP to protest against the state government’s alleged failure on all fronts including law and order and corruption.
(Feature Image Source: Twitter | @ANI_news)