A national level judo player was allegedly gangraped in Gurgaon in August and the case was registered on September 7 at a women’s police station in the Bilaspur area of Gurgaon. It is not clear why the case was registered a month later.
The police have arrested one of the two accused, according to an India Today report.
Gurgaon, lying in the NCR or the national capital region, carries a reputation of being unsafe for women and has had its role to play in adding to the rape capital image of New Delhi.
In another incident, a national level judo player was reportedly raped by her coach repeatedly in June this year.
India records on an average 92 rapes everyday, according to a National Crime Record Bureau data from 2014. Minimally 6-7 rapes are reported as news stories, of which only a few make it to print or screen space. The attitude towards rape has reached such a stage in India, where a case that is either too grotesque in nature makes headlines, or if a person of significance is involved.