While it’s mostly endangered environment, species, artifacts and other near-to-extinction stuff you would see people caring about, somebody caring about sounds that probably won’t be heard in future again might seem ridiculous or simply absurd. 

But the makers of Museum Of Endangered Sounds website don’t think so. 

It’s a place where you’ll find sounds forgotten in the smoke of new technology and smartphones – a small jump into nostalgia of sounds varying between video games, Remington typewriters, old VCRs, cassettes, dial-up connections to Microsoft Windows 95 startup tones and Olympus Camera’s click. 

b’A screenshot of the website showing different icons. The respective sounds of the icon start to play when a user clicks on one of them.xc2xa0′

This is how the website spells out the logic behind it

“Imagine a world where we never again hear the symphonic startup of a Windows 95 machine. 
Imagine generations of children unacquainted with the chattering of angels lodged deep within the recesses of an old cathode ray tube TV. 
And when the entire world has adopted devices with sleek, silent touch interfaces, where will we turn for the sound of fingers striking QWERTY keypads? Tell me that. 
And tell me: Who will play my GameBoy when I’m gone?” 

The project was launched in 2012 by three classmates  – Marybeth Ledesma, Phil Hadad and Greg Elwood – who met at Virginia Commonwealth University’s Brandcenter. 

According to an Al Jazeera report, the idea of unusual museum was born out of a late-night snack session.

b’Representational Image | Source: Istockxc2xa0′

At present, the website has a collection of 33 old sounds of 80s and 90s era gadgets that are no longer in use. A user is just required to click on an icon and the sound starts. 

So if you miss that rotary tone of an old telephone or just want to listen to the sound of now-obsolete Dot-matrix printer, it’s just a click away.

But this is not the only interesting part of the project. 

The makers of the sound museum have invented a fabricated online curator of the museum named Brendan Chilcutt who is actually a ‘nerd mascot’ – inspired from a photo-realist expression of Mark.  

So the image you see below the website is actually one of the founders of the Museum posing as Chilcutt, with lifting glasses and surprised expression. 

Feature image source: Website Screenshot