The McDonald’s on Junglee Maharaj Road, Pune has been shut down, reports NDTV . Following a week of protests, the fast-food giant actually had little choice in the matter. The outrage began when a homeless child, Akash, was thrown out of the restaurant, waiting his turn to buy a Fanta float.
When questioned, McDonald’s brandished their strict policy that outlined who they can serve. This despite the fact that he was accompanied by a woman, Shaheena Attarwala, who had offered him the float. Eventually Shaheena bought him the Fanta, but Akash was also served a cold, harsh reminder of his place in society.
This isn’t a big deal because it happened at McDonald’s. It’s a big deal because it happens everywhere.
We’re so careful about who we associate with. We’re so conscious all the time. The distinction is stark and the class barrier continues to divide modern India.
Because, when we really think about it, how many of us would do things differently? Let this be an exercise that reminds us of our hypocrisy.
The new house you’re going to buy is beautiful. It’s exactly what you dreamt of, save one tiny detail. It comes with a view of the neighbouring slums. Are you going to reconsider your housewarming plans?
The auto that you hail is driven by an educated man. Impressed? Or wait, are you amused?
You’ve just heard the news. A ‘poor’ man won the lottery and is moving in next door. Will you drop by your new neighbour’s home?
First day in college. All the pressure of ensuring a solid ‘rep’ to last you the next three years. Would you go sit next to the SC/ST/OBC guys?
Your cook’s daughter made it to the same elite school your children go to. Would you consider a change of schools?
India will never see the ‘growth’ or ‘development’ we harp about, till we rid ourselves of our double standards.
Time to change?