In a strange incident, a live cockroach was removed from a woman’s nasal cavity in Chennai.

According to Times of India, 42-year-old Selvi experienced irritation in her nose when she woke up on Tuesday. While at first, she thought it was common cold, the irritation escalated and later she was taken to a hospital.


At the first hospital, doctors predicted it to be a nasal growth which was causing the itchy feeling to the 42-year-old domestic worker. Unable to cure her, they referred her to another hospital.

New Indian Express reports that the second hospital also diagnosed a similar issue, saying that there was a skin growth inside her nose that caused a crawling sensation.


However, irritated by the moving sensation, Selvi was taken to the Government Stanley Medical College Hospital where through a nasal endoscopy the doctors saw a pair of antenna inside her nose. Dr M N Shankar, who performed the endoscopy said that it was a full grown cockroach and had reached the nasal cavity between the eyes and was now moving closer to the brain.

After 45 minutes of a surgery, with the help of a suction apparatus, the cockroach was pulled out alive from Selvi’s nose. 

(Feature image source: Reuters)