An old Ambuja cement ad has been going viral on social media, but don’t get nostalgic yet. This advertisement is merely a tool that political parties are using to put down each other. It began with AAP, who shared the ad on Twitter. In which Congress and BJP can be seen trying to bring down a wall called ‘Kejri-wall.’ Yup, the person running AAP’s social media account saw the opportunity and took it.
— AAP (@AamAadmiParty) January 8, 2020
In the ad, two brothers can be seen breaking down a wall that is keeping them apart. So Congress decided to spice things up and pick a newer ad instead, trolling both the other parties involved.
झाड़ू के झूठ और कमल की लूट से सावधान रहिये।
— Delhi Congress (@INCDelhi) January 9, 2020
And now, BJP has finally jumped on the bandwagon, releasing their own version of this meme-trolling. The party attacked Kejriwal and Kanhaiya Kumar, liberal media, JNU violence, Jamia ‘danga’ among others to break up the ‘wall of rashtravaad’.
— BJP Delhi (@BJP4Delhi) January 9, 2020
It seems like propaganda and campaigning to fight for votes has now shifted from real life to social media lobbying.