It is alleged that the policeman dragged the driver and his son out of their auto and thrashed them for ‘no reason’.
Three cops were suspended for allegedly thrashing two men after their auto bumped into a police vehicle in Mukherjee Nagar, New Delhi on Sunday.

Everyone can see- the old man did not harm any police officer. In fact, his son, a 16-year old was not at all aggressive yet they both were beaten mercilessly
— Manjinder S Sirsa (@mssirsa) June 16, 2019
We stand on our demand – each & every police official involved to be rusticated @AmitShah Ji @CPDelhi @DelhiPolice
However, according to ANI, the police have blamed the auto driver for the incident saying that he attacked the police officer with a sword and injured another with his vehicle.

According to the police communique,
The alleged incident was followed by an accident caused by a Gramin Seva tempo to a police vehicle. Thereafter, a police officer was also assaulted on the head by the tempo driver with a sword. Further the tempo was driven dangerously and caused injuries to a policeman on the leg.
A Sikh with his son is being tortured and beaten by a group of police men and his Pagdi was taken off and was snatched on road in Mukherjee Nagar, New Delhi.
— Satish Kumar (@Satrani1989) June 17, 2019
And Delhi govt. says, they are ruling peacefully and nobody is harassed.@ArvindKejriwal @BJP4Delhi @ZeeNews
Deputy Commissioner of the Police (Northwest Delhi) Vijyanta Arya has suspended Assistant Sub-inspector Sanjay Malik and Devendra and constable Pushpendra in connection to the case.
We have got three police officials suspended for their inhumane behaviour. Rest of them will also meet the same fate. Thanking all who came to protest with us.
— Manjinder S Sirsa (@mssirsa) June 16, 2019
I have been told @AmitShah Ji has himself ensured action in this regard. 🙏🏻
The attack on the auto drivers has sparked a protest in Mukherjee Nagar and GT Ring Road was blocked in the driver’s support.

People have also spoken up in support of the Sikh community and against the brutality incurred in this incident
All the policemen along with their associates officer of mukherjee nagar police station ( new Delhi) should be terminated from their services with immediate affect and f.i.r under section 302 , 303, 304 and 307 should be register in the mukherjee nagar police station
— harmeet singh (@harmeetRomi) June 17, 2019
@DelhiPolice Shame on u on what happened today. 2 sikh father and son are beatten brutally by police in mukherjee nagar. They kicked their turbans. Never forget sikhs sacrifices. #takesomeaction
— Arshmeet (@Arshmee43575674) June 16, 2019