The UP police on Monday said that it may question Sunny Leone in connection with the planned launch of an e-commerce portal for Noida’s ponzi scam kingpin Anubhav Mittal. The actor had attended the event held at Greater Noida’s Hotel Crowne Plaza on November 28 in 2016.
STF’s DSP Raj Kumar Mishra told the Times of India that they have got evidence and photos of the actor during the promotional event. He said that the promotion of any such scheme is prohibited under the Prize Chits and Money Circulation Scheme Act 1978.
This video is doing the rounds on social media, but the police said this is of Anubhav Mittal’s birthday party and not the one they are referring to.
Anubhav Mittal had been accused of swindling Rs 3,700 crore from 6.50 lakh investors through his Noida-based firm called Ablaze Info Solutions Private Limited, which offered money to individuals for liking particular posts on social media. To start making Rs 5 per like, interested internet users were asked to pay subscription fee ranging between Rs 5,750 and Rs 57,500.
On Sunday, the Uttar Pradesh police arrested Anubhav Mittal and two of his associates after ED’s Lucknow zonal office conducted probes having registered a case under Prevention of Money Laundering Act against their firm.
The probe revealed that the company had multiple bank accounts and had over Rs 500 crore deposited in them. The police has informed the Income Tax department and stock regulator SEBI for further action to be taken against those running the firm.
(Feature image source: PTI)