A BJP MP from Maharashtra has claimed that he is being repeatedly stopped at airport security points and being penalised for sharing the ‘Gaikwad’ surname with Shiv Sena MLA Ravindra Gaikwad, who was recently barred by all major domestic airlines for assaulting an Air India duty manager .
This is what BJP MP Sunil Gaikwad told ANI:
I was stopped at security points at the airport repeatedly because of my surname & as I’m an MP unil Gaikwad, BJP MP. pic.twitter.com/GxW1rmITFL
— ANI (@ANI_news) March 30, 2017
He further said that he has conveyed the message to Minister of State for Civil Aviation, Jayant Sinha.
I have conveyed this to Minister Jayant Sinha. Is having the Gaikwad surname a crime?: Sunil Gaikwad,BJP MP
— ANI (@ANI_news) March 30, 2017