According to the latest crime data, Bengaluru is the third most unsafe metro city in the country after New Delhi and Mumbai.
According to National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB), Bengaluru ranks fourth in robberies, third in murders, kidnapping, dowry deaths and rioting, second in thefts, and first in atrocities and dowry cases.
35,576 crimes in total were reported in Bengaluru during 2015 after New Delhi (1.73 lakh cases) and Mumbai (42,940), according to the statistics.
It has also been placed right at the top on crimes committed against children in NCRB’s report for 2015 while number of cases of crime against women have witnessed a fall in 2015 from the previous year.
When asked about the increasing crime rate, police officials said that the main reason is the better reporting system compared to other cities. Activists, on the other hand, say that a lot more needs to be done to make the city safer.
Delhi and Mumbai were expected to be at the top of the list, but Bengaluru’s inclusion has come as a humongous shocker, for it has always been believed to be safer than most other cities in India.
Bengaluru is followed by Kolkata (23,990) and Hyderabad (16,965).
With 13,422 cases, Chennai is the safest metro city in the country.
Feature Image Source: KCLS