Azim Premji just became the most generous philanthropist in India’s history.

According to a report by Hindustan Times, the Chairman of Wipro announced a fresh contribution of $7.5 billion to support philanthropic activities.


This initiative boosts his total commitment to $21 billion, making it one of the five largest private endowments in the world and the biggest in Asia. 

The statement of Azim Premji Foundation said:

“With this action, the total value of the philanthropic endowment corpus contributed by Mr. Premji is $21 billion, which includes 67% of economic ownership of Wipro.”
Hindustan Times

Azim Premji began his philanthropic journey in 2001 when he set up the Azim Premji Foundation. 
The foundation works in the field of education and supports over 150 other non-profits organisations serving under-privileged and marginalized sections of Indian society.