On the eighth day of the MCD strike, Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal announced that the state government would grant a loan of Rs 551 crore to the civic bodies so that they could pay workers’ salaries and settle their dues. 

Kejriwal, who addressed a press conference from Bengaluru, urged the employees of the civic bodies to call off their strike and assured them that arrangements have been made to pay their salaries till January 31. 

Civic employees, including teachers and doctors, have been on strike for the last eight days seeking the payment of salaries. There have also been widespread protests held by the employees. 

b”Image clicked from Kerjiwal’s Periscope feed”

He also tweeted, saying that the loan had forced the Delhi government to put off certain projects: 

Kejriwal also extended his sympathy to MCD workers who haven’t received their salaries while slamming the BJP for politicising the entire crisis. The Delhi Chief Minister reiterated several times that the Delhi government does not owe any money to the MCD. 

“I have examined every figure and can say with certainty that the Delhi government does not have any dues pending to give to the MCD. Where has all the money gone then?” asked Kejriwal claiming there was a scam. 

He also demanded a CBI inquiry into alleged scam in the three municipal corporations.

(With Inputs from PTI)

(Feature Image Source: PTI)