Two days after a medical aspirant from Bihar committed suicide, another student from Chattisgarh allegedly killed himself by jumping from a hilltop here, police said on Thursday. 17-year-old Abhishek’s body was recovered in morning from the Geparnath area of the city after some locals informed the police. A suicide note has been recovered from his pocket.
“The boy has taken the sole responsibility of ending his life and requested not to blame anyone for it,” Ramnath, SHO RK Puram police station said. He said the boy has not mentioned study stress as reason behind his extreme step. ‘Death is universal truth with birth,’ he wrote in his suicide note, according to the police.
Abhishek went missing on Wednesday afternoon from his rented accommodation where he was staying with his mother for the last two years. He was preparing for NEET from a city-based coaching institute. “When he didn’t turn up last evening, his mother along with his friends started looking for him.
However, no missing complaint was lodged,” Ramnath said. His body has been sent for post-mortem and the police is further investigating the matter. On Monday, Sneha Suman(16) from Khagariya in Bihar committed suicide by hanging herself from the ceiling fan of her rented room in Mahaveernagar – I area of Kota city.
(Feature image is representational)
(Feature image source: PTI)