Indian food is extremely complicated. Forget the diaspora, even for most of us living in one part of the country, the spices from another part can be completely unrecognisable. But that’s not what this white dude writing for Washington Post thought.
“Curry” is not one spice. I don’t even know how these people do their research.
— Anand Giridharadas @ The.Ink (@AnandWrites) August 23, 2021
I mean, the people in this country don’t agree on anything but the range of our food is pretty damn big. You may not like it, it’s definitely not one spice! It’s not a potato salad with raisins, is what I am trying to say.
Twitter, Indian and otherwise descended on the writer for his, I am gonna say, very racist take!
“Curry” is not one spice. I don’t even know how these people do their research.
— Anand Giridharadas @ The.Ink (@AnandWrites) August 23, 2021
goddamn i wish Indian food was just one spice i wouldn’t have wasted so long trying to balance out my food with a combination of herbs and spices.
— Jiya (@harboursideprk) August 23, 2021
???????????? Who the fuck hates Indian food?? Is this one of those things where someone lost their sense of taste and smell after getting COVID?
— 🧽Barry (derogatory, villain)🧽 (@redactebdarry) August 23, 2021
Das racist my ancestors were not colonized for ONE spice
— hanjandujan (@hanjandujan1) August 23, 2021
Sigh, IF only Indian food required one spice in its recipes.
— f̷e̷f̷e̷ (@hufflevegpuff) August 23, 2021
how did this end up in the Washington Post
— Ofirah Yheskel (@ofirahy) August 23, 2021
this spoiled fuck gets paid $ to write this uninformed racist shit for the washington post, but last week an Asian woman got crucified for pointing out that western food writing is racist.
— Calvin Wong Tze Loon 黃子倫 🇲🇾 (@ithayla) August 23, 2021
who the fuck is @geneweingarten, how the fuck is he allowed to speak on food when his palate is so numb he thinks CURRIES are a single spice dish & why the fuck is WaPo publishing straight up National Front talking points disguised as food opinions?
— Shiv Ramdas (@nameshiv) August 23, 2021
imagine colonizing an entire subcontinent and subjugating millions upon millions of people for over a century for spices,,, then trashing those spices because you think a snail is the height of cuisine shut the whole fuck up, wiener garden
— not a doctor (@damnedhipster) August 23, 2021
Fuck off white boy. Can’t even research for his own column and gets to talk shit about other cultures because he’s grown up eating tasteless food. This sort of mediocrity is enough to get you on Wa Po? (If you’re a white dude)
— Sarswars (@ForeverFlailing) August 23, 2021
Can’t imagine anyone thinking this that’s had Indian food. There’s a crazy/complex delicious blend of multiple spices. Some of the most flavorful in any cuisine.
— Mike Skulsky (@MikeSkulsky) August 24, 2021
oh they didn’t even try to hide their racism on this one
— brianna (@bribrisimps) August 23, 2021
This is about as headass as saying you won’t eat Italian food because you don’t like tomatoes
— It’s Not My Best (@itsnotmybest) August 23, 2021
friendly reminder for anyone who has imposter syndrome: don’t
— Seerat Sohi (@seeratsohi) August 23, 2021
Why did we publish this? would love to know!
— Jordan-Marie Smith 🎃 (@itsJhyphenM) August 23, 2021
this just makes me sad thinking of all the south asian writers who deserve a platform and their first byline in the washington post
— dan q. dao (@danqdao) August 23, 2021
It is so easy to just say “hey, you know, this is a bad idea, we’re not gonna run this”
— Sarra Sedghi (@SarraSedghi) August 23, 2021
It’s not even Weingarten’s humorless, lazy, inaccurate, and racist take on Indian food that offends me the most. It’s that white writers are consistently awarded space in prestigious publications to write incomprehensible drivel and are paid for it.
— Anjali Enjeti (she/her) (@AnjaliEnjeti) August 23, 2021
hating indian food is such a boring fucking idiot baby take. grow up baby drink your milk googoogaga
— marianne eloise (@marianne_eloise) August 23, 2021
Your “I hate Indian food” columns are old and tired and unoriginal and yes, racist.
— A Shady Dame From Seville (@SorayaMcDonald) August 23, 2021
IDK try dunking on lutefisk or something my guy.
This mf got paid to write this
— The OmniZaddy 🐵 (@TheOmniZaddy) August 23, 2021
Not only is his entire argument racist, it’s the kind of shitty, faux-lofty “Arch Little White Man” writing that could knock a vulture off a meat wagon.
— Bess Kalb (@bessbell) August 23, 2021
I know you guys will hate it but do give the article a read. It’s a gold mine of racist bullsh*t. And it’s unironically funny. Here, you can struggle for hours to get the right mixture of spices in a dish but some white boy gets paid to get write about how it’s just OnE SpIcE!