Shashi, Tharoor, the giver of difficult words for us to memorise has introduced a new one, and it is already creating buzz. This time, it’s algospeak.
In a tweet, he stated the meaning of the word that has to do with people’s behaviour on social media.
Word used on social media posts to avoid using another that algorithms may identify as unsuitable or inappropriate, in order to bypass downranking by content moderation filters on social media platforms. Eg. using “unalive” rather than “dead”.
The internet was quick to notice that this could be in connection with the new set of words being ruled as ‘unparliamentrian’ in the Rajya Sabha and Lok Sabha.
@ShashiTharoor on his way to find #algospeak to function in the parliament, to avoid the “unparliamentary” constraint!
— Abhishek Saxena #wonderingwanderer (@asaxena87) July 20, 2022
— Ayanangsha Maitra (@Ayanangsha) July 20, 2022
Parliamentary word!
Where to find the whole list of algospeak?
— Surya Narayan (@suryanarayan__) July 20, 2022
For the uninitiated, a new booklet released by Lok Sabha Secretariat had earlier ruled words like ‘jumlajeevi’, ‘betrayed’, ‘corrupt’, and ‘hypocrisy’, among others as ‘unparliamentary’, drawing sharp criticism from many, but mainly the opposition which pointed out that will make any debate extremely difficult.
Use of terms like ‘jumlajeevi’, ‘Covid spreader’ and ‘Snoopgate’ and commonly used words like , ‘betrayed’, ‘corrupt’, ‘drama’, ‘hypocrisy’ will henceforth be considered #unparliamentary in both Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha, according to a new booklet by the #LokSabha Secretariat
— Hindustan Times (@htTweets) July 14, 2022
Now, we don’t want to take any credit away from Mr. Tharoor but the word Algospeak – presumably a combination of algo (for algorithm) and speak, has held people’s interest for a while and there has been a discussion about it on multiple platforms.
“Algospeak” is becoming increasingly common across the Internet as people seek to bypass content moderation filters on social media platforms such as TikTok
— Taylor Lorenz (@TaylorLorenz) April 8, 2022
Nevertheless, the ‘word of the day’ seems to have come back. Waiting for more.