Air quality in Delhi NCR deteriorated even further on Friday with the pollution levels increasing overnight by around 50 points. After this increase, the current overall air quality index reached 459.
According to Economic Times, a CCB (Central Control Board) official said that the AQI reached severe plus or emergency level late Thursday night and it was the first time since the beginning of this year.
He further informed that emergency measures like odd-even scheme, banning entry of trucks in Delhi NCR, construction activities and shutting down schools will be taken under consideration in case the air quality persists in the severe plus category for more than 48 hours.
As per Central Pollution Control Board’s latest air quality data, places like Anand Vihar (478), Aya Nagar (430), Alipur (473), Major Dhyanchand Stadium (445), Dwarka (447) and Patparganj (443) witnessed some of the worst air quality index.
According to India Today, Dr Arvind Kumar, lung surgeon at Sir Ganga Ram Hospital said,
Intake of every 22 micrograms per cubic metre of polluted air is equivalent to smoking a cigarette. So whether the PM2.5 level is 700 or 300 units, the impact is still as bad. People need to take precautions, especially those suffering from asthma, bronchitis or other respiratory illness.
However, weather experts said that increased wind speed due to a fresh western disturbance would help in dispersing pollutants faster from Saturday.