A family in Texas, United States found a rattlesnake worming its way up from the toilet on January 26. Panicked, the family quickly got some gardening tools and killed the snake who had by then came out and was slithering on the floor, USA Today reports. 

However, when the family rang up a local snake removal company, there was more surprise. 

On inspection, Nathan Hawkins, the owner of Big Country Snake Removal found 23 more living rattlesnakes underneath the home and in its storm cellar. This included five baby snakes, a Washington Post notes. 

“How is this possible? It’s actually quite simple; rattlesnake are secretive and can be very cryptic- They rely heavily on their camouflage. This is simply how they survive. Just because you don’t see them doesn’t mean they aren’t there….” Hawkins wrote in a Facebook post on January 32 describing the incident. 

According to the Washington Post report, the snakes have been relocated. No injuries were reported. 

USA Today reported added that the majority of the snakes were adults with 4 -5 feet length. 

Every year, US witnesses 7000 cases of snake bites with only 0.2 percent of them leading to fatalities,  Texas Department of State Health Services website states.