Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Akhilesh Yadav visited drought-affected Lalitpur area on Tuesday in a helicopter and the district officials saw nothing wrong in using thousands of litres of water for preparing a makeshift helipad for him, reported Zee News

Strangely enough, Akhilesh Yadav visited Lalitpur to review the situation in the area and ensure relief measures were being provided.

b’Source : Twitter’

Though this is the second such incident this week.  A few days ago, Maharashtra relief and rehabilitation minister Eknath Khadse was accused of being ‘arrogant’ when 10,000 litres of water was wasted for a temporary helipad at Belkund village in Latur district. His fellow minister, Pankaja Munde, drew criticism for taking a selfie in drought-hit Latur. 

Another such instance of leaders’ insensitivity to the plight of people in drought-affected regions was when the local administration emptied two tankers of water on a stretch of road to settle dust before Karnataka CM Siddaramaiah visited drought-hit Badagandi village in Bagalkot district. 

Watch how officials pour water on parched Lalitpur to prepare a makeshit helipad for UP CM:
