Grey, a 3-year-old toddler from Washington is winning the internet’s heart with his politeness and we think, he might just be the most polite toddler in history, we’ve ever come across.

Why, you ask? Well, check out this video of his that went viral. 

The video shows Grey saying ‘thank you, mama’ every time he accepts a meal or a snack from his mother and we are totally impressed with his manners. Isn’t he the cutest?

He constantly thanks his mother every time she offers him food and the way he says ‘thank you’ just melts our hearts. 

Here’s are some more videos of Grey, just being his cute, adorable self. 

His mom, Linda Meeker started a TikTok account by name greyandmama, as an experiment in February but, she never imagined that her son would become a star. 

He has a huge fan following on TikTok and on Instagram. Every time Grey comes on camera, he just lights up the screen.

In an interview Grey’s mom said he learnt these manners from us (his parents). She says:

I definitely taught him. I think it’s very important to be consistent and repetitive. It’s the norm for him.

Apart from being a viral sensation, Grey loves firetrucks, putting on sunscreen, eating olives and paying a visit to the wild goose who lives in his neighborhood.

We declare him the most adorable influencer in town! Click here to check out more videos.