Former Delhi Minister Kapil Mishra today mounted a fresh attack on Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal. Yesterday, the suspended minister whose hunger strike entered the fifth day on Sunday, had said he would make some startling revelations.
आज इन्ही दस्तावेजों से होगा सच का खुलासा
— Kapil Mishra (@KapilMishraAAP) May 14, 2017
What has Mishra claimed now?
Mishra said Kejriwal hid donations from the public, lied to the Election Commission and laundered money using 16 shell companies. Some of the allegations are:
- In 2013-14, AAP’s account had Rs 45 crore but its website showed Rs 19 crore and it told the EC only about Rs 9 crore. In 2014-2015, AAP had Rs 65 crore in bank, its website showed Rs 27 crore and it told EC about Rs 32 crore.
At the beginning of the press conference, Mishra declared that he has the papers to prove multiple scams against Kejriwal.
Delhi:Kapil Mishra shows a presentation,claims false info given to EC regarding AAP accounts; further alleges black money converted to white
— ANI (@ANI_news) May 14, 2017
- Mishra said AAP had 16 shell companies managed by AAP MLA Shiv Charan Goyal that made donations to the party, including Skyline Metal and Overseas Fashions
- Mishra claimed that Kejriwal converted black money into white after note ban by using a number of fake Axis Bank accounts. Two cheques of Rs 35 crore each from two different shell firms were used for converting black money during demonetisation by AAP
- Priya Bansal donated 90 lakhs to AAP but filed ITR of Rs 4,000
- Rs 2 crore were deposited in AAP’s account through Hawala
These allegations are in addition to a previous charge by Mishra that Kejriwal accepted Rs 2 crore from another party member in a “questionable” transaction.
Resign today or will drag you by your collar to Tihar: #KapilMishra threatens #Kejriwal
Read @ANI_news story ->— ANI Digital (@ani_digital) May 14, 2017
Mishra fainted in the press conference
After accusing Kejriwal with financial “irregularities”, Mishra fainted at the press conference. He was taken to the RML hospital from his residence in Civil Lines, where he has been on a hunger strike for the last five days, demanding that the Aam Aadmi Party release details of foreign tours undertaken by five leaders.
Delhi: Kapil Mishra falls unconscious immediately after his press conference on revelations on AAP ‘s finances, on 5th day of hunger strike
— ANI (@ANI_news) May 14, 2017