A senior office-bearer of RSS’s female wing, Rastra Sevika Samiti, on Monday said women should not forget their primary responsibility: to hold family together and inculcate virtues in children.

Samiti’s North India head Chanderkanta said men and women are equal in a marriage, but it is the responsibility of a woman to keep the family together and to bring up the children as good citizens.

b”Members ofxc2xa0RSS’s female wing, Rastra Sevika Samiti | Source: PTI”

“Women can pursue their careers. Today, they are in every field and playing important roles. But, one thing they should remember that children spend their maximum time with their mothers and it is their duty to inculcate virtues and good values in them,” she said.

To strengthen and integrate the society women must be “made more cultured”, she suggested.

She said no one listens to the weak and the women must become stronger for any society become free from fear.

b’To strengthen and integrate the society women must be “made more cultured”, she suggested. | Source: PTI’

Rashtra Sevika Samiti was founded by Lakshmi Bai Kelkar in Nagpur 80 years ago.

The organisation claims it believes in the ideology of gender equality and works for physical, intellectual, and spiritual growth of women and for their greater contribution in the family, society and the country.

(Feature image source: PTI)