A 15-year-old girl’s story went viral after she cycled 1200 km from Gurugram to Bihar over eight days due to the lockdown. Jyoti Kumari, with the will of steel had her ailing father in tow as she relentlessly pedalled home out of fear of being asked to leave by the landlord.
Now, this young girl is being offered a trial by the Cycling Federation of India, its Chairman, Onkar Singh told PTI.
We spoke to the girl this morning and we have told her that she will be called to Delhi next month as soon as the lockdown is lifted. All the expenses of her travel, lodging and other will be borne by us.
-Onkar Singh
15yrold #JyotiKumari travel 1200km frm #Delhi to Darbhanga on cycle
— Aboriginal of India (@IndiaAboriginal) May 19, 2020
to bring her injured father home aftr the two could not afford transportation their state
while cyclin at night as we used to see hundreds of migrants walking on d highways-Jyoti#coronavirus #lokdown #India pic.twitter.com/FDPIxOnbG1
If this class eight student passes the trial, Jyoti will be trained at the state-of-the-art National Cycling Academy at the IGI Stadium complex in New Delhi. Onkar mentioned that cycling for so long is not an easy task and if she did it, the federation wants to give her a chance.
If she needs to accompany somebody from home, we will also allow that. We will see in consultation with our Bihar state unit on how she can be brought to Delhi for a trial.
-Onkar Singh
इस बहादुर बेटी को सलाम करें या इससे माफ़ी मांगे ? https://t.co/hHwr5vvuvx
— Yogendra Yadav (@_YogendraYadav) May 19, 2020
Jyoti will be tested on the computerised cycle at the academy and if she satisfies the seven or eight parameters to get selected, then she will be taken on as a trainee. All her expenses will be taken care of, said Onkar.