The common perception is that patriarchy is the biggest enemy of women. While that is not false, we oversee how men are affected by the rules set in a patriarchal society.

Men are expected to be strong – physically and emotionally, which means men should not cry. Men are supposed to be tall. Men need to be into sports. Men shouldn’t wear pink. Men should not cry about break-ups. Men should not wear make-up. Men are supposed to act like the patriarchal definition of men. Men should be like real men.

It’s refreshing to see that Axe, which until now had built ad campaigns on the very same masculine stereotypes, now raises the right questions in their new ad, as a part of its #FindYourMagic campaign. The latest commercial talks about the pressure men face to live up to the societal standards set up for them in the name of masculinity.

Watch it here:

Is it okay to be yourself?