The smartphone has now become a ubiquitous sight. In fact, people are often more interested in their phones than they are in other people or their surroundings. While that itself makes for some dangerous situations (let’s face it, we’ve all bumped into things while using our beloved device), your smartphone can actually help you out when you are in a pinch. No kidding! Here’s how;
1. It can predict if you’re about to get a heart attack or a stroke.
A company called AliveCor has launched a smartphone case that doubles as an electrocardiogram (ECG) so you can keep track of your heart activity through your fingertips. Once you rest your fingers on the case’s sensor, an algorithm analyzes your ECG patterns to predict whether you’re at the risk of a cardiac arrest or stroke – even before you have any symptoms.
2. It can help in detecting Parkinson’s Disease.
A smartphone app called MPower detects detect vocal impairment and other symptoms which a sufferer experiences during the onset of thr disease. The app also features finger tapping, walking and memory games to monitor the progression of the illness.
3. It can make your driving experience safer and help you out in an accident.
Automobile manufacturer, Honda has come up with a nifty app called Honda Connect that provides impact alerts, tracks the driver’s position in real time and has emergency support features in case of an accident.
4. It can help detect HIV and Syphilis within 15 minutes.
The bio-medical researchers of Columbia University have created a $34 smartphone accessory that can detect HIV and Syphilis with just a finger prick. Because of its cost-effectiveness, the researchers believe, the device can make an impact on AIDS in Africa and other developing parts of the world.
5. It can actually detect skin cancer!
Do you have a mole that worries you? An app called Skin Vision lets you take photos of each one and analyze the symmetry, regularity of borders and colour to see if there’s much change.
6. It can diagnose a host of vision disorders, including serious ones like Cataract.
NETRA, a $2 clip-on eyepiece created by MIT’s Media Lab, exploits the increasing resolution of the smartphone screens to deliver a prescription for appropriate corrective lenses.
7. You’ll be surprised to hear this, but it can also detect kidney disorders.
FDA-approved MobiUS is the first ultrasound imaging system to work on smartphones. The software, made by MobiSante, can be used for a slew of clinical applications, including confirming and tracking pregnancies and assessing kidney disorders.
8. And, in a couple of years, it will be capable of giving you early warnings for earthquakes.
Scientists are evaluating whether the GPS in a user’s smartphone might be used to detect earthquakes and warn others in the vicinity to take cover before a tremor can do harm.
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