Public speaking is one of the most important aspects of a professional life. Sometimes though, it becomes a major stress inducer for people who have stage fear or face discomfort in sharing their views with the audience. But worry not fraaands! We are here with the solution on how to kick away your fear of public speaking. Have a look!
1. Become organized with your content.
Anxiety comes due to the lack of information. When you have your content organized and planned properly, the execution becomes relatively easy.
2. Practice extensively for good results.
After planning properly, it’s necessary to have repeated sessions of practice in order to figure out what are the mistakes that keep you from speaking out in public.
3. Focus on the ornamentation.
Following patterns will give you a positive result. Stick to the style of delivering, number of pauses after few sentences and its repetition on equal intervals of time.
4. Practice in front of a mirror.
You are your best teacher. When you practice in front of the mirror you’ll find your flaws. Observe the details like gesture, body movements, expressions and how you appear to the public.
5. Learn about your voice by recording it, so you know how you sound to others.
You might not be very familiar with hearing your voice on a speaker or mic. But recording your speech and listening it can tell you where you need to make changes for a better performance.
6. Perform breathing exercises to calm yourself.
You need to calm yourself down before you appear in front the audience. Practice deep breathing for a proper flow of words and clarity of thoughts.
7. Have a trial session in front of friends or family. A dry run is always a good idea.
Before facing the audience, make sure you have a trial session in front of the ones who will guide you about your mistakes. It is very important to have an outside opinion of your performance before hand.
8. Taking help from a power point presentation can be a good idea.
When it comes to public speaking you can hugely rely on ppts, they offer you the pointers of your content making it easy for you to deliver the adequate information in your style.
9. Read, read and read some more. Your vocabulary can only increase, giving you greater control of your words.
Reading is something that gives you a command over your speech and a package of new words to try. The more you read the more information you have to share.
10. Always choose a subject of your interest.
By choosing something that your heart goes out to, you have true words for the audience. They are able to judge the matter with your lens because of the clarity you already have about the content.
11. Never ever memorise. Know what you’re saying and what exactly it means.
Mugging up content won’t make you a good speaker. Understand the essence of your words, this way you can mould the sentences, frame new ones and still deliver the best.
12. Avoid talking too fast or fumbling.
It is okay to forget something on stage or to make a mistake, but don’t go on rambling without knowing when to stop. It makes you look under confident. Take few deep breaths and start over again if required.
13. Don’t let the reaction of audience overwhelm you.
While it is important to acknowledge the audience’s reaction, don’t read too much into it. You might not always get the desired reaction, learn to accept it.
14. Do not panic.
Last but not the least, there are chances you might not be able to give your 100%, do not panic over the thought of failure. Instead, learn from your mistakes and work on them for a better performance next time.