Parties are fun. Who would deny that? But if you haven’t noticed yet, alcohol is an integral part of most of them. It’s almost like a social norm where the ‘non-drinkers’ are seen with questionable eyes. Well, we believe that anything in moderation is good but matters worsen when drinking turns into a daily ritual.
Alcohol causes all kinds of health problems. High blood pressure, weight gain, emotional problems. These are just some of the many dangerous side-effects it has on the consumer. When one goes sober after being a heavy drinker, your body rehabilitates in ways more than one and the results are tremendous. Boredpanda recently compiled a list of pictures of people, before and after they quit drinking, and they are motivational AF.
Here are 25 before – after photographs of people from around the world who have quit alcohol for good and are looking much better now. Have a look!
1. 1 year sober

2. 8.5 months sober

3. 6 months sober

4. 1.5 years sober

5. 1.5 years sober

6. 300 days sober

7. 1 year sober

8. 1 year sober

9. 5 years sober

10. 99 days sober

11. 7 years sober

12. 416 days sober

13. 1 year sober

14. 6 months sober

15. 500 days sober

16. 95 days sober

17. 155 days sober

18. 1 year sober

19. 6 months sober

20. 1 year sober

21. 77 days sober

22. 1 year sober

23. 100 days sober

24. 3 years, 4 months, 17 days sober together

25. 4 years sober

Motivational much?
If they can do it, so can you.
Pictures courtesy: Boredpanda