Everyone was stunned when Mukesh Ambani’s son, Anant Ambani, appeared in his new avatar after losing tons of weight. Honestly, before his transformation, he was only known as the obese son of India’s richest man but with his tremendous weight loss, Anant Ambani instantly became an inspiration for thousands.

Anant dropped around 108 kgs in 18 months and the credit goes to Vinod Channa, his trainer, who helped him with the mammoth task!


Vinod Channa is a celebrity trainer who has trained the who’s who of Bollywood including John Abraham and Shilpa Shetty, among others. 

Vinod is all praise for Anant’s willpower, who never gave up during the intense regime. 

“During the first phase, we focused on his nutrition which included protein, low carbs, fibres, etc. We started walking from 30 minutes to two hours, depending on his capacity. Initially, the workouts were low on intensity as he was unable to do high sets, high reps due to his medical issue and body-balancing problems,” he told Business Insider. 


Channa also restricted Anant Ambani’s calorie consumption to 1200 calories per day. And just like all of us, he too had his weak moments that he overcame with strong determination. Despite occasionally being demotivated when he couldn’t lose his goal weight everyday, Anant made sure that he always followed the diet plan and the strict workout. With time, the workout became fun and he began to enjoy it more. As Vinod said in an interview:

“I also used to give him break diets so that he felt motivated for regular workouts also.”


Now that’s what you call a terrific job!

You can follow his trainer on Instagram here!

Read the full story here.