Meet the Naiks from Pune. Ranjit and Neha are working professionals who are now in the news for their noble deed.
The couple planted 101 saplings to celebrate the birth of their daughter.
An IT professional, Ranjit and Neha who is a college professor were blessed with a baby girl in August and instead of having the usual party, they decided to give back to nature.
They also donated 51 more saplings to students of a local village school to improve their grasp on conservation.
The couple spent 50,000 rupees on this initiative and were supported by family and friends who joined them to plant the saplings.
Nature gives us so much, and it is high time we returned the favour. Our primary hope was to forge a new tradition for our generation – a more holistic one, to be followed by many more people.
The couple told TOI.
They plan to visit the area at least once a week to check on the saplings and care for them. In an era of mindless development, construction and felling of trees, Ranjit and Neha are truly leading by example and showing us all how we all need to give back to nature.