You know those times, when you look at something and your heart instantly breaks? A part of you starts to shatter? With every passing minute it just hurts more? If you’re a foodie, you know exactly what I’m talking about. We have all been through it a lot, and this post is just a little reminder of how bad it felt.
Here are 10 of the world’s saddest sandwiches, made by people who just want to watch the world burn. *sobs*
1. Maybe a little plastic for lunch?

2. Are we allowed to make fun of small things now?
A man was served this sandwich (sort of) in the Edinburgh airport. The yolk might be the smallest anyone has ever seen.

3. Where’s my cheese?
A woman bought this sandwich in the Shatabdi express. Taking kanjoosi to another level?

4. Well at least the stuffing looks fine?

5. And you thought peanut butter and cheese was a weird combination.

6. And the worst cost cutting idea award goes to…

7. Uh…no?
A perfectly good amount of amazing stuffing, just went down the drain in a world with functioning taste buds. What has this world come to?

8. Ramen for bread?
People have no idea how much they’re disrespecting food by coming up with these disastrous ideas. *tries not to tear up*

9. Main ingredients: LIES.

10. How much sauce is too much sauce?

This breaks us as much as it breaks you.