London based photographer duo Amit and Naroop recently embarked on an ambitious project titled “Singh” to capture and celebrate the identity and magnificence of British Sikh men. They hold forth that many religions determine the way their followers look, but none have such a dramatic and definitive look as Sikhism. Not only that, a Sikh man’s appearance carries with it a rich history, tradition and inherent pride. Here are just a few samples of their work.
1. Ishtmeet Singh Phull – Student
2. Gurjeevan Singh Plahe
3. Hardeep Singh Kohli – Comedian, Writer, Presenter
4.Chaz Singh Fliy – Creative Director
5.Daljit Singh Plahe – Watchmaker
6. Magic Singh – Magician
7. Balbir Singh – Temple Volunteer
8. Amanpreet Singh – Temple Volunteer
9. Darshan Singh Bhooi – Retired Businessman
10. Roop Singh – Sikh Storyteller
11. Gurbir Singh – Polo Player
12. Asa Singh – Highway Planner
13. Narvir Singh – Filmmaker
If you’ve loved their work, give these guys a leg up and pitch in for the Singh Project on KickStarter .
H/T To Fast Company for this amazing story.