Somehow petroleum jelly has always been very underrated,  so we decided to speak up for this very useful little thing hidden in every mother’s purse and in every girl’s make up drawer. Here are few valuable jelly hacks that you can easily pull of with your trusted friend: the petroleum jelly.

1. Best moisturizer

It is one of the best moisturizer for your chapped lips as well as your knees and your elbows. A gentle rub at night and you’ll wake up having the  softest, cleanest skin ever.

2. Best moisture sealer

In case you always worry about your best moisturizer falling apart, then this is your best bet. Just mix your moisturizer with some jelly and voila! It will last you way longer than your regular moisturizer. And guess what, your expensive cream is used lesser and lasts longer too.

3. Cracked heels

Having trouble with cracked heels? Well, rub in the magic jelly, wear your best cotton socks and just doze off for the night. Next morning, wake up to smooth & soft heels.

4. Lip exfoliater

Dab a coin size amount on your lips at night and rub softly with your toothbrush (don’t go overboard though) and get lipstick ready lips in a jiffy!

5. Best lip-gloss

You can make some luscious lipglosses by mixing your favorite matte lipstick with your petroleum jelly. Try it out, makes your lips way softer than other lipglosses and saves tons of money.

6. Best hair-color/streaks protector

Slowly massage little amount of petroleum jelly on your hair-line and  lose all the ugly blotches.

7. Best eye-make up remover

Take generous amount of jelly on the tip of your fingers and slowly rub it in circular motion all around your eye region. Let it sit for 2-5 minutes depending on the heaviness of the make-up. Swipe all the goop off with cotton or malmal.

8. Best kajal-fixer

Hate panda eyes? Well, dab a bit of the jelly on your index finger, rub it lightly under the eye and say hello to clean under-eyes. Here’s a bonus tip : dab a little talcum powder on the under-eye region and no more fixing for next few hours. Trust me!

9. Best lash-grower

Yes, it has been proven that rubbing a little petroleum jelly on your eyelashes will make them grow longer. Bonus tip : For a more dramatic look and quick result, mix a little aloe-vera gel or vitamin E gel and apply.

10. Best black-head eliminator

Apply a layer of jelly on the affected area of your nose and let it sit for the night. Scrub off the jelly in the morning with a light scrub and meet a fresh faced you.

11. Perfume sealer

As customary, perfumes are applied on the pulse points of your body. So next time, put a slight touch of jelly on those areas before applying your perfume.

12. Best cream-blush

Take your matte lipstick or just any lipstick and streak it on your finger. Then apply petroleum jelly on your other finger. Now rub them together and slowly rub on your cheek bones. Healthy dewy blush is at your pretty service!

13. Shaving nightmare cure

Yes ladies and gentlemen, I am talking to both of you. To get rid of all those hideous bumps and rashes, just use petroleum jelly.

14. Make your nail-paint fresh

Yep, now this one has been in the legends that rubbing just a bit of petroleum jelly on your nail paint can make it look fresher & last longer. Much like varnish!

15. Rub over tattoo to prevent from water

Trusted and tried, this formula prevents your tattoo getting affected by water.

And in case of paint or gum gets stuck to your hair, dab a generous amount of petroleum jelly to it and then slowly work it on your sDon’t strtrands. The unwanted matter will come off instantly to make you tress perfect!