For some moviemakers, movies are more than just a source of entertainment. They set out to make a movie with a clear message in their mind which they want to share with their audience. Many a times, this message gets warped or is misread by the audience. Here are some of the movies which were misread by the audience :

1. Inception

People continue to chase the ‘real’ ending, Nolan wanted everyone to chase their own subjective reality.

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2. Highway

Veera does not fall in love with Mahabir. She was suffering from Stockholm Syndrome.

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3. Darr

Rahul, the scorned lover was emulated by people who saw him as the most passionate lover. But he was a stalker and a psychopath.

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4. (500) Days of Summer

Tom Hansen is not really an ideal lover. He is a selfish, obsessive man.

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5. Jane Eyre

Rochester is not a gentleman but a really selfish and rude person.

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6. Raanjhana

Kundan became a hero in the eyes of the audience. But he was actually an obsessive psycho.

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7. Raavan

The movie is not just a re-telling of the epic Ramayana. It comments on the concept of right and righteousness.

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8. Haider

Not just an adaptation of Hamlet. It was a commentary on the situation in Kashmir.

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9. Luck By Chance

The movie is not about Bollywood and aspiring actors. It is about people and their ambitions.


10. Kabhi Alvida Naa Kehna

The movie was not trying to preach infidelity, it was about not taking rash decisions about things like marriage.


11. Gravity

It is not just a space odyssey but a story which celebrates the spirit to win against all odds.


12. American Psycho

The movie was not trying to propagate violence. Instead it was a condemnation of such violence.


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