Life wouldn’t be the way it is if our history was any different than what it is. And to reach where civilization has, many great minds have contributed in plenty. Some of these include remarkable people who’ve managed to influence us in more ways than one. Their ideologies, efforts, and movements have led to life-changing situations and thus, we hold their work dear to us.
Here are 16 Famous Speeches that you should know about.
1. I Have A Dream – Martin Luther King, 1963

2. We Shall Fight On The Beaches – Winston Churchill, 1940

3. I Am The First Accused – Nelson Mandela, 1964

4. Gettysburg Address – Abraham Lincoln, 1863

5. Kennedy Inauguration Speech – John F. Kennedy, 1961

6. Freedom Or Death – Emmeline Pankhurst, 1913

7. The Pleasure Of Books – William Lyon Phelps, 1933

8. Roosevelt’s Inauguration Ceremony – Franklin D Roosevelt, 1933

9. Resignation Speech – George Washington, 1783

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10. Ain’t I A Woman? – Sojourner Truth, 1851

11. Urban II Speech At Clermont – Pope Urban II, 1095

12. The Man With The Muck-Rake – Theodore Roosevelt, 1906

13. Farewell To Baseball – Lou Gehrig, 1993

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14. Arrian, The Campaigns Of Alexander – Alexander, The Great, 326 BC

15. Duty, Honor, Country – General Douglas MacArthur, 1962

16. Quit India – Mahatma Gandhi, 1942

Can’t imagine the world without their contribution!
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