Food…A four letter word that means the world to any foodie! What is it about food that makes it so special? And what is it about foodies that makes them want to have just one more bite?

However, apart from just the food, there are some things that every foodie looks forward to. We aren’t talking about those big fancy dishes, but something a lot more humble, like:

1. An all-you-can-eat buffet. Sometimes, one round is just not enough!

2. Free dessert. The moment you hear, “Dessert is on the house,” your day is made.

3. Your time in the kitchen.

That’s when you spend some quality time with your favourite ingredients and whip out some insane signature dishes.

4. The first glimpse of your food when the waiter brings it to your table.

It’s like love at first sight.

5. Discounts at your favourite restaurant.

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6. A big, fat greasy breakfast.

It’s the only reason you wake up in the morning.

7. Hearing “Your order is ready” at a self service restaurant.

You dash to the counter in a flash.

8. Food festivals. Because no where else will you get so many different kinds of food under one roof.

9. Giving suggestions to your friends as to where they should eat and where they shouldn’t.

You love showing off your knowledge about food.

10. Buying cheese. Because there are so many varieties that go with so many different kinds of moods.

Some days you pick Blue or Cheddar and on other days you go all Swiss. It’s always an adventure.

11. Trying out the new special at the restaurant that you visit often.

You love experimenting.

12. Meeting and complimenting the chef after you have devoured a satisfying meal.

Being face to face with the man or woman who dished out a good meal is always very exciting.

13. While travelling to a new state or country, you look forward to eating the local cuisine.

Like they say, when in Rome, do what the Romans do or rather, eat what the Romans eat.

14. Weekends. That’s when you curl up with some cheese and crackers and enjoy re-runs of your favourite food shows like Eat Street or Man vs Food.

In the end, I will leave you with my favourite quote: “People who love to eat are always the best people.” – Julia Child

Happy Eating!

Feature Image: Pink Villa

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