From all the things that I keep discovering about myself, I never knew ‘menu anxiety’ resides in me. It has always been there, I only know now. Also, the fact that I discovered it just last week, makes me want to share it for the world. I’m not making this up, the term menu anxiety comes from a legit study.

Menu Anxiety

The study conducted by a British restaurant, considered 2000 people for the research. Apparently, more people from Gen Z suffers from it. According to the research, this is triggered by the exorbitant prices in the menu, the regret that comes in after ordering food or just not being able to find something good to eat.


So when you ask someone else to order for you, it’s the menu anxiety acting up. The nerves of talking to the server at the restaurant seems like a valid reaction to it. The study also stated that this makes Gen Z want to research the menu before they actually visit the place. Clearly, the nerves are real. Maybe, this is also why we feel more comfortable ordering in. Maybe we SHOULD just order in.

Menu Anxiety

Just another day of self-awareness I can do nothing of.