None of us knew just how wild the lives of big cat owners really was until Tiger King came out. Ironic, considering it’s literally about the wildest animals on earth. It’s like the documentary takes place in an alternate earth, where all rednecks are gay and stuffing animals full of cocaine is par for the course. This, obviously, has given us a much needed shot of supreme memery. Enjoy.
Tweeting this for anyone who watches #TigerKing on Netflix and if you don’t watch it… WATCH IT! I promise you’ve never seen anything like it lmao
— gwtecco (@gwTecco) April 1, 2020
Me looking at Carol’s sanctuary vs. Joe’s zoo #TigerKing #CaroleBaskin #JoeExotic
— Ginster (@ginnister) April 1, 2020
I’ve been dying over #TigerKing and the memes are even better lmao
— Nikki (@schnikkerdoodle) April 1, 2020
I laughed way too hard over this 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 #TigerKing
— Wonder Chick (@RashLaura) March 26, 2020
What my coworkers see during a conference call three weeks into quarantine after I’ve cut my own hair #TigerKing #Coronavirus
— wileekylee (@wileekylee) March 23, 2020
— lilly★ (@lilluevu) April 1, 2020
Joe Exotic:
You know the documentary was wild when I didn’t even notice this man’s room decor. #TigerKing
— maddie (@staymadaboutit) April 1, 2020
I don’t know how you guys are doing, but I am barely hanging in there. Like Joe Exotics eyebrow ring. #TigerKing
— Abbey Golden (@abygrrl189) March 21, 2020
You lost out if you didn’t lose your virginity to a Joe Exotic song.#TigerKing
— All Day, Everyday (@kugraduate) April 1, 2020
This is the only greeting I will be using and accepting from now on #TigerKing
— Officer Cool Cat Daddo (@officerdaddo) March 29, 2020
I’m just trying to figure out who in production thought they should interview this man in his bathtub? #TigerKing
— Fotini (@ItsFotoula) March 26, 2020
The last scene of Garretson in #TigerKing made the entire series worth watching alone.
— madi smyth (@madi_smyth) March 28, 2020
Joe exotic, Carole Baskin & Doc Antle trying to figure out who’s exploiting big cats #TigerKing
— Darcey Weatherill (@darceyweather1) March 25, 2020
Only thing making me laugh during my COVIDepression are a Tiger King memes
— Paula Z. Gomez (@loverlypaula) March 28, 2020
Maybe it’s the dad in me, but this is the best Joe Exotic meme I’ve seen so far. #TigerKing
— Brantley Rutz (@brantleyrutz) March 27, 2020
#TigerKing summed up in a meme……
— SavageOppress (@oppress_savage) March 26, 2020

There has never been a more accurate meme. 😭😂 #TigerKing
— Angela Vincent (@AngelaDeanna) March 29, 2020
I can’t stop laughing about this meme #TigerKing
— TP (@ttaylorpaige) March 31, 2020
All of the #TigerKing memes are just getting better by the day 😹
— aℓicia🧜🏻♀️ (@aliciaamaeee) March 28, 2020
Me: the memes during this quarantine could not get any better
— Tyler Carver (@tyler__carver) March 27, 2020
Tiger king viewers: hold my beer
Jeff Lowe is the How Do You Do Fellow Kids meme come to life lmaooooo #TigerKingNetflix #TigerKing
— Joe Costin (@JoeCostin) March 26, 2020
One of the best #TigerKing memes I’ve seen 😂 #TigerKingNetflix
— Carlos Grimes (@CGrrrimes) March 27, 2020
I made my own Tiger King meme
— “Mason Saunders” (@rjlawson07) March 29, 2020
I’m spending way too much of my time laughing at #JoeExotic #TigerKing memes.
— The Mentally Unstable Writer (@TheMUW) March 28, 2020
Zoos will never be the same again.