After a long wait, Hindu College has decided to open its residence gates for girls. (Yay!) While this is a welcome step and a much-needed one too, given the ridiculously expensive paying guest accommodations in North Campus, however, a closer look at the rules will reveal why it has been put under fire by the students who termed them “regressive and discriminatory”.
According to a petition filed by Pinjra Tod, a students’ movement, “In almost every women’s hostel on campus, from Ramjas in 2006, to Miranda House from 2007-09, to Daulatram in 2012 to St Stephens in 2012-13, students have come out demanding freer mobility in and out of the hostel, limitation on the arbitrary authority of the warden and hostel administration, limitation on the role of local guardians and parents in granting permission for leaves and late nights, freedom from moral policing over clothes etc.”

While the Hindu men’s hostel is famous for NOT having ANY regulations, everyone who’s been there will agree, the new women’s hostel would most definitely and easily make it to the top of a list of college hostels with ridiculous rules.
Let’s start with the fees. While students living in the men’s hostel have to pay an annual fee of Rs 47,000, the fee of the women’s hostel is Rs 82,000.
Women, shelling out ‘extra’ for ‘privileges’, since forever.

If you were around during the Commonwealth Games in Delhi, students from Miranda House girls hostel and other hostels were evicted and just right after, rents for P.G.s and flats skyrocketed. But did anyone not protest against paying the rent? Why were people still paying such high rents? Because, ladkiyon ki izzat sambhaal ke rakhna hai, bhai. A lot of people, end up succumbing to high rents, just because they want a ‘safe’ place for girls, and who wouldn’t pay a little extra to keep the ‘dignity’ intact? People almost used (and STILL use) ‘safety’ as a tool for charging extra, have you noticed?
You can take ONLY ONE night out and TWO late nights (till 10 PM) every month.
Why? Because, rest of the days are for staying in. While such rules do not apply for boys, it applies (without any doubt and debate) for girls. It is okay to compete in an environment where boys can go out, access the library while girls cannot. Why? Ask Hindu college administration maybe.

“Women hostels in Delhi University’s colleges do have discriminatory rules, but Hindu College has really taken it far. A student can only get one night out, while others usually give six. Similarly, other colleges allow six late nights, but this one has ridiculous rules. Why should a student pay more money just to be caged more,” asked Shambhavi, an MA student from Hindu College.
All types of leaves sought for weekdays have to be applied at least 24 hours in advance. Residents can proceed on leave only after ensuring leave is duly sanctioned by the Warden. Prior Letter Of Request is to be furnished from local guardian/parent in case of ANY type of leave asked for by the student.
You, Hindu College Women’s Hostel, are a serious threat to Indian Government offices. They finally have tough competition!
The permission of the warden must be taken for taking part in any cultural/sports event OUTSIDE college.
Because, interfere in your personal life, or outside-college life, we certainly will. Why not! Property, after all.

Residents going out of the hostel but WITHIN the campus for events which are being organised by the College-societies, late classes or lectures, after the specified hostel times have to make proper entries in IN-CAMPUS register AFTER seeking permission from the warden.
Permission from warden even for college events and late classes? Wait, okay Hindu Women’s Hostel, this warden better be some mobile app!
Rooms should be kept neat, fresh and tidy ALL the time! Rooms are subject to CHECKS by the warden AT ANY TIME.
Because, fuck privacy. Welcome, warden. I’m starting a #lazylivesmatter hashtag RN.

Residents are expected to maintain silence in the rooms, and corridors. After 11 PM, NO loitering around in the Hostel common areas and everyone should be in the room.
Bizzare, yes. Prisoners, yes. But seriously, what if you are hungry and dying, or let me frame it well, dying with hunger, in the middle of the night?
Residents are expected to dress in a manner which is THE NORMAL NORM IN THE SOCIETY while visiting the Dining Hall, visitor’s room and common spaces in the hostel or the college.
One. What’s normal? Two. Which society? Three. Doesn’t feel like 2016 at all.

Resident students are not allowed to take up any full time/part time employment or enrol for any course or coaching for which the classes are conducted outside the college without prior permission of the Warden.
This warden has more power than all the Presidents and Prime Ministers and Monarchs and of course, Jailers of the world combined.
Residents are allowed to visit their visitors only in the visitors meeting room. Only those visitors who have been approved by parents and whose names and addresses are registered with the Hostel office at the time of admission will be allowed to meet the resident.
New friends, what’s that?
NO visitors, including GIRL day scholars are allowed to enter hostel without prior permission. And NO guests are allowed to stay in the Girls Hostel.
Just like in prisons. Same rules, bro.

Women everywhere, have been fighting for their right to a safe university space without discriminatory rules. Most women entering college are above the age of 18 and are therefore guaranteed full citizenship rights under the Constitution. Not only is restricting their mobility and monitoring their act a violation of their rights, it is also a regressive step in the history of women’s movement, who have come a long way fighting for their rights on equal footing with their male counterparts.
Highly unnecessary and inconvenient, plus the high fees structure, these rules are enough to make anyone think twice before applying to women’s college.

“It is appalling that in a context where movements such as Pinjra Tod are going on, the Hindu college administration has come up with rules that are even more regressive than what already exists. They have only dug their own grave as protests are sure to follow. And by keeping the hostel fee thrice that of the men’s hostel, the administration is basically saying that only rich women can study in Hindu,” Devangana Kalita, a student activist associated with Pinjra Tod told Scoopwhoop.