“Dilli ke Sardi,” when we hear this we know winter is here. It’s that time when we don’t want to get out of our blankets and sleep till the sun dawns on our faces. But, there are some things that we cannot ignore and are necessary to keep fit. Come what may we should adhere to our daily fitness regime. Here are a few tips that will help you stay fit during the winter:  

1. Indoor workouts:

You can have a normal workout routine. You can also download a workout app or watch some videos on YouTube if you prefer. 


2. Winter activities:

There are a lot of activities that happen during the winter that you can take part in– going for treks or hiking is one of the best options during this season. 


3. Trying some new workouts:

You can try some new types of workouts like— Zumba, Yoga or even a simple dance class. This will help you stay fit and obviously, a new way to be fit! 


4. Workout buddy:

It’s always said that one person cannot always drive their own motivation. Having a workout buddy will drive you towards your fitness goals. Besides, a little healthy competition will channel your energy in the right direction. 


5. Binging on the healthy food:

Winter brings a variety of vegetables to the market. One can binge on the fresh veggies and always stay fit and healthy. Other food options can be— oats, muesli, yoghurts, amla etc. 


6. Walking with your pet:

Pets always need to take a stroll outside and what better way to stay fit than walking them down. Pets love the cool breeze outside and they help us to stay fit simultaneously with those little walks around.


7. Dadi maa ke nuske:

Well, during the olden days food was a priority for the older woman of the house. They concentrated on dishes that used ghee, fruits and vegetables prepared only during the winter. Winter is a time when a variety of fruits and vegetables are available in the market. For example, Gujarat has ‘undhiya’ (a mix of various vegetables) available only during winters. 


These are just a few ways to help you stay fit. Food prepared at home by elders can be heavy but they can be balanced with great fitness regimes. So what are you waiting for? Get those sweaters, hoodies and shoes out and start with the best fitness and health regimes!