Tell me something that can uplift your mood in a second? For me, a cup of hot chocolate is the answer to everything. When I am sad, when I happy, when it is cold outside or when it is raining, a cup hot chocolate is what I desire the most. If you love hot chocolate as much as I do, here are some drool-worthy pictures of this beverage that will trick you into ordering one for yourself right now. 

1. Can’t resist the temptation!

2. Chocolate+cocoa= divine combination

3. Just the thing I need on cold winter mornings. 

4. Love the creativity. Hot chocolate lovers assemble!

5. Because happiness comes from enjoying the simpler things in life. 

6. Cup cakes and hot chocolate? I am content. 

7. The only thing I ever need on a rainy day. 

8. A cup full of joy and happiness that I can’t say no to. 

9. It’s a sin to just stare at the cup without taking a sip.

10. Don’t shy away from giving into your guilty pleasure. 

11. Celebrating frienship with a soothing cup of hot chocolate? Hell yeah!

12. Kick start your day with a delicious cup of hot chocolate. 

13. When life gives you lemons, have hot chocolate. 

14. Always up for a cup of hot chocolate. 

15. When you are happy and you know it, grab a cup.

16. I heart you too…

17. Hot chocolate with whipped cream? Heavenly combination. 

18. Drooling over this cup of hot chocolate right now. 

19. I send my love to who ever invented this beverage. 

20. Grab a cup and sip on it. #soulsoothing

Incredibly hard to resist the temptation, right?

*Opens a food app and orders a cup of hot chocolate right away*