Why go for synthetic menstrual products when you have a bunch of sanitary pads, tampons and menstrual cup manufactured within the country in an organic way and are best friends with the environment? Here are 5 such brands and products.
1. Carmesi
Price – ₹300/-
Carmesi is an all-natural sanitary pad brand that has its product made from corn starch, bamboo fiber, and bio-plastic. The pads also come in biodegradable bags to make your menstruation time a hassle-free one.
2. Everteen
Price – ₹400/-
Everteen is the country’s first intimate hygiene brand and has a wide variety of organic and safe tampons, sanitary pads and menstrual cups giving you an anti-bacterial and toxic-free experience.
3. Purganics
Price – ₹400/-
Purganics sanitary napkins are made with organic cotton without using any harmful chemicals, toxins or fragrances. The products also help you maintain the pH level of your vaginal area during the menstruation days.
4. Saathi
Price – ₹250/-
The sanitary pads of Saathi were originally made for rural women but are now available in urban areas even. The best part about this homegrown brand is that their pads are made out of banana fibers which are otherwise thrown away by the farmers.
5. Soch
Price- ₹300/-
The reusable pads made by Soch are made from soft fabrics, combed cotton and micro-fibre. It also sells inter-labia pads, period panties, menstrual cups, and period kits so you have a vast variety to choose from.