Pune police on Tuesday claimed to have cracked the burglary case at noted classical singer Prabha Atre’s residence by recovering stolen valuables and detaining a minor in connection with the crime.

b’Image Source: YouTube’

Atre’s house on Jangali Maharaj road of the city was burgled by an unidentified person in the wee hours of Saturday. The thief had decamped with valuables worth over Rs 1 lakh.

“We have recovered three smartphones, hard disks and other accessories, all worth over Rs 1 lakh from a minor, who during the early hours of Saturday, managed to sneak inside the house and make away with the valuables,” said a police officer attached to the crime branch.

As per the police, the minor suspect was identified with the help of CCTV footage and a tip-off. The police team nabbed the criminal from Shivajinagar.

Police said the hard disk, which was stolen from Atre’s house, contained important recordings of concerts and other valuable information of the noted classical vocalist.

“The recovered valuables have been returned to Atre,” said the officer.


According to police, the thief entered the house by unbolting the safety door, and managed to take away two smartphones, hard disks and other accessories, all worth over Rs 1 lakh, which were kept in the drawing room.

Atre came to know of the burglary on Saturday morning after her daily riyaz

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