Social media might have panned and poked fun at Aishwarya Rai Bachchan’s lavender-blue lipstick at Cannes but the actress says she had no qualms in sporting the colour and is cool about it. The 42-year-old actress attended the international film festival, where her latest movie Sarbjit was screened, as L’Oreal’s brand ambassador.

b’Source: AFP’

I work with L’oreal it’s their prerogative and I am cool about it. It is my professional commitment to deliver what they expect from me as their basic ambassador. I get to work with great professionals and they have been magically creative with me,” she told reporters in Mumbai. 

b’Source: AFP’

From sporting an unconventional lip colour to combining a cape with her gown, this year at Cannes Aishwarya chose to experiment with her look. The actress, who is known for playing safe with her fashion choices, said back home events don’t demand glamour.

 “The media says there you do this (different look) and here you are basic. It (L’Oreal) is a blatantly hair and make up product company and that is what it is projecting. It works in tandem with fashion. Here it is not fashion always. When you are here for film events, social causes so you work it out that day.”

Aishwarya says she does not follow fashion trends blindly as she has been in showbiz for a very long time. 

b’Source: AFP’

“With Sarbjit promotions I have sometimes dressed with the occasion and sometimes opposite… It is not a frivolous thing on my part. I have made choices of hair and make up. I have been here long enough to get stardust in my eyes.”