The fact that Twitterati doesn’t expect Bollywood celebs to say anything intelligent is out in the open. After Raveena Tandon and Neha Dhupia were recently blasted on Twitter for their respective tweets, it was Sonakshi Sinha who found herself in the line of fire. Her attempt at intelligent sarcasm totally bounced over the heads of haters who were waiting to take offence.
So when the Dabangg actress tweeted about the spotting of a planet by NASA which is being seen as Earth’s “bigger, older cousin”, she didn’t know that certain people would totally go bonkers over a simple tweet.
Here’s what she tweeted:
Yay! We found another planet just like ours… Earth 2.0! I just hope now we don’t ruin it just like we did ours…
— Sonakshi Sinha (@sonakshisinha) July 24, 2015
While Sonakshi totally made sense, many twitter users failed to get her sarcasm and started generalizing the film fraternity instead.
@sonakshisinha you just went @aliaa08
— Hiten Sangani (@InfamousHiten) July 24, 2015
@sonakshisinha can we have an IQ test as a prerequisite for attending new planet? Or is that too cruel….
— #deano (@deanoosaur) July 24, 2015
However, the actress simplified things for those who missed the point.
@deanoosaur clearly u’ve already failed the test for taking the statement literally! Underlying meaning = #saveourplanet
— Sonakshi Sinha (@sonakshisinha) July 24, 2015
But like we said, are Bollywood celebs are ‘so stupid’?
@sonakshisinha its 1400 light years can someone from earth ruin it.. #sonaishigh
— Itish Nigam (@itishnigam) July 24, 2015
However, the khamosh girl finally shushed all and decided to put an end to the matter in her inimitable style.
Yeah, like i expect humanity to reach there by 1 pm tomorrow
— Sonakshi Sinha (@sonakshisinha) July 24, 2015