In an insightful Instagram post, Shark Tank India contestants Aditi Gupta and Tuhin Paul share an exclusive behind the scenes of what goes into a successful business pitch on the show. Gupta and Paul were featured on Shark Tank India Episode 6 titled “Fun Product For The Adults.” The duo is the brains behind Menstrupedia, India’s first comic strip that focuses exclusively on menstruation. 

Gupta started off the post by revealing an exhaustive application process supported by numerous pitch videos along with a formal audition. 

Shark Tank India

Unlike what you see on television, the back and forth between the judges and contestants is tedious and exhausting and goes on for almost an hour or two. That explains the tense energy and snarky comments in the room!


Each pitch is well thought out and perfectly rehearsed with help from a creative team over numerous dummy pitches to make the content more riveting and engaging. Sometimes the rehearsals would last up to 3:00 am! 

The extensive product display featuring life-size cutouts are also provided by the creative team. 

After the shoot, the contestants actually met Namita and her husband Vik Taper, the President of Emcure Pharmaceuticals. Keeping her promise, Namita’s team is working extensively to support Gupta’s noble cause. 

Watch the full episode here: