After enormous boycott calls against SRK and the problematic controversy on the saffron-coloured dress Deepika Padukone wore in Besharam Rang, Pathaan became the biggest box-office opening EVER for a Bollywood film in India and worldwide. And it’s noteworthy cos it teaches us an important lesson – art transgresses hollow differences; love conquers all.
An old video of SRK has popped up on Twitter. In the clip shared by @_nehruvian, the Bollywood star is seen talking about his multi-religious upbringing. The actor studied in a Catholic school, performed in Ramlilas, and learned Islam from his family. He shared how he found it strange that people fight about this when ‘it’s all the same.’
Watch the clip here:
Last month, another video of the actor from a 2015 interview also got viral on social media. He was talking about how we would go back to the dark ages if we kept harping on religion.
SRK’s stance is getting praised by people on Twitter. Here’s how they are reacting.
His minute-long statement really summed up the true essence of India. Something we’ve all grown up learning – Unity in Diversity.