The Supreme Court on Friday has sent a notice to Tamil superstar Rajnikanth’s wife, Latha Rajinikanth after a Chennai based ad agency, Ad Bureau Advertising Pvt Ltd, slapped a cheating case over the selling of rights of Rajnikanth starrer, Kochadaiiyaan .
The conflict sparked when Mrs. Rajnikanth allegedly failed to deliver the promised post-production amount of Rs 14.9 crore for Kochadaiiyaan and instead paid Rs 8.7 crore, reports ANI.
SC issues notice to Tamil film star Rajinikanth’s wife Latha Rajinikanth on plea by Ad bureau co. over Kochadaiiyaan movie selling rights.
— ANI (@ANI_news) July 8, 2016
Besides cheating, she was also accused of producing forged documents before a court.
An FIR has been registered with Halasuru Gate police station under the provisions of IPC sections 196 (using false evidence), 199 (false statement made in declaration which is by law receivable as evidence), 420 (cheating) and 463 (forgery), reports Financial Express.
(Feature image source: Twitter)