Sultan is making it big on the box-office and will soon get into the prestigious 300-crore club. We thought the movie was pretty average and is just a commercial success. But the wrestlers of Chandu Akhara in Kanpur would make you think again, again and again.

Financial Express

Sultan was a story about a wrestler who gives up on the sport because of the hardships in his personal life and joins the action after a really long time by working out extensively on his pot belly.


Looks like the plot touched some nerves and inspired these wrestlers for good.

b’Source: ANI’

The pictures clearly show how strong the inspiration was.

b’Source: ANI’

All this was okay, but then they got a tad too much inspired and started worshiping the ultimate Bhai-god.

b’Source: ANI’

 Watch the video here –

As if there was any shortage in his blind fan-following.

The Daily Moss
The Daily Moss