Mumbaikars on Tuesday were treated to a surprise as Bollywood actor, Salman Khan, decided to hit the busy roads of the city with his new electric-cycle, launched under his brand Being Human foundation

Donning a brown ‘Tubelight’ jacket, the 51-year-old actor, who shared a video on Instagram, could be seen waving at his fans during his ride. 

Here’s the video that went viral: 

A post shared by Salman Khan (@beingsalmankhan) on

b’Image Source: AFP’

On World Environment Day, Salman reached Mehboob Studios from his Bandra residence riding the same bicycle. 

Here’s the video: 


A post shared by Being human (@beinghuman.official) on

According to a report filed by ZigWheels, the price of the E-cycle ranges from Rs 40,000 to Rs 57,000. 

b’Image Source: Instagram/BeingHuman.Official’

Other cities will have to wait for a little more as the Being Human E-cycle, as per the report, is currently on sale only in Mumbai. 

(Feature Image Source: instagram/Beinghuman.Official)