Just in case you were living under a rock, global warming is real. Ice caps are melting and the climate change is not an imaginary phenomenon. We just can’t afford to take Mother Nature for granted anymore!

It’s high time all of us took stock of the situation and did our bit to save our planet. 

Speaking of doing our bit, Richa Chadha just posted a video on Instagram.

The video starts with a musical Hey… and soon it’s Mother Earth talking to everyone on Instagram. Yes!

We know she’s promoting a good cause but we can’t not react to this outrightly-funny gem. 

Honestly, Richa’s social media manager should start looking for a new job. And Richa, you need to have better people around you for advice! 

Doing your bit to to save the world is one thing, Richa but you’ve got to make sure that people take you seriously as well. And this video isn’t going to help your case! 

Watch the video here: 

Mother Earth spoke to me!

A video posted by Richa Chadha (@richachadha9) on

We want what she’s having!