Rancho from 3 Idiots was intelligent, but he was also a terrible friend and a worse boyfriend. He used people to make himself look better, and assumed everyone viewed life the same way he did – with utter oblivion.
Here are 7 Rancho red flags that we wish we’d noticed earlier:
1. He was smart enough to study things at the end moment, but not everybody has the same brain. Rancho’s behaviour was incredibly selfish. He encouraged his friends to have ‘fun’ when he topped with ease. If he was so smart, why didn’t he tutor them and help them study alongside him?
2. His antics were problematic and he never considered the repercussions of his behaviour. He was partly responsible for Raju’s fragile mental state when he wanted to take his life.
3. He lied to his girlfriend about his identity and didn’t trust her enough to contact her years later. He was a fraud who was pretending to be somebody else.
4. He asked Farhan to abandon his engineering and become a wildlife photographer. Not after he completed his degree, which would give him a great back-up option in life. But drop the course all together. Umm, not your decision to make.
5. He mocked Pia’s fiance, who had a stable job and was a self-made man, for simply giving a shit about the things he owned and the money he spent.

6. He thought changing Chatur’s speech’s words to ‘balatkar’ was funny and I think that’s proof enough of how horrible he was as a person.

7. He disappeared without saying goodbye to his friends, which was absolutely unnecessary. And made him a terrible boyfriend and friend.

Sorry, not sorry.
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